La Ma-Ma

If you are craving to host an event with international dishes such as exquisite and authentic Spanish Paellas to delectable Argentinian meats, you can choose both options with outstanding quality, all with the same caterer, La Ma-Ma.

Avonette, the owner, decided to devote her life to her passion for gastronomy 3 years ago, together with her husband who has Argentine and Spanish heritage.

All their dishes are prepared with fresh ingredients and served directly from their braai or pan to your plate. Not sure which option to pick? Their specialties are the traditional Spanish Seafood and Chicken Paella, the delightful Pork Belly and the classical Argentinean meat, Vacio ( beefsteak). 

Also recommended

PanYella - Johannesburg

Spanish cuisine is one of the tastiest and most popular dishes in the world. Luckily, you don't have to travel that far to taste the authentic flavors, as you can try them at your next celebration with the support of Panyella, our Spanish food experts.

Plá-teo - Johannesburg

If you are a connoisseur of the Spanish cuisine looking to host an event to remember at Johannesburg, then Pla-téo, would be your ideal caterer. Sarita, the owner specilizes in cooking authentic paellas and tasty churros.